Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Unveils Some Important Privacy Tools

Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has unveiled several important tools to enhance customer experience. The most popular tools of the company are Google Maps, Google Assistant, and YouTube.

The unveiled privacy tools will help users in several ways. For instance, the tools will help users prevent Google from collecting their data. It is about data control and management. Those users that wish to delete data will also use these tools to do so. An official working with the company says that with the new set of tools it will even be possible to bar Google from collecting the data in the first place

The incognito mode

The incognito is a new and rather useful mode. It was unveiled to help users accomplish a few important activities. This works in a pretty similar way to the one found in the chrome browser. The real essence of this is to give users exactly what they need. Quite a significant number of people don’t like the idea of Google tracking how they use maps. They believe that it is somehow creepy. There is also a group that doesn’t want its personalized recommendations tainted with some irrelevant data. The Cognito mode is a working solution. It is a simple exercise involving going to the menu to access the incognito mode.

Auto-deleting ability in YouTube

The Youtube users have also been put under consideration with the company availing the ability to auto-delete history. Users have the freedom to select a period over which they want their data preserved. After that given period, the data will automatically be deleted. Also, there is a window for the users to set the manual deletion of data in their history.

Changes in the Google assistant

The other change is on the Google Assistant, and this is in terms of the associated privacy concerns. Users will access a new tool shortly that will help them delete their Assistant activity. All they will need to do is give some particular voice commands.

In the past, there have been several complaints about these smart assistants. Reports indicate that humans manned the activities of these smart assistants and users feared for their privacy. The company defended itself saying the move was targeted towards improving the performance of these assistants.

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